Snitch publishes...


Snitch is a DIY publisher: we print, we podcast, we party!

Since we started publishing in the summer of 2018, we have aimed to provide accessible platforms for readers and makers alike to enjoy and share art. The way we sought to do this was a return to print, making free publications to distribute around Manchester. We now print a whole variety of short and long-form publications, as well as a podcast and an events series.

We currently run these free publications:
Penny Thoughts (Print)
Penny Drops (Podcast)
The A4 Project (Print)
Art History: B-Sides (Event and Print)

If you have an idea for a publication - let us know! We are always looking to collaborate.

Jack Rientoul

Eva Gerretsen

William Gopal

Rory Spencer

Web design by Duggie Dundas.